How is it possible you need to take paid lessons and TWO tests to legally drive a car but you can raise a child with absolutely ZERO knowledge?!
Laura M., mum and
All About Parenting graduate
Just £170 monthly

(about half the cost of an after school club)

1 00+
in the
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of parents rate it ★★★★★
1 00+
parents in the programme
1 %
rate it ★★★★★
Learn how to raise a child who believes in their own strengths.
“My child has low self-esteem.”
“My child gives up easily and starts crying when something doesn’t work out.”
“My child doesn’t see things through.”
“My child doesn’t stand up for themselves.”
Learn how to raise a confident child who believes in their abilities. Foster in them a healthy sense of self-worth without turning them into a self-obsessed show-off. Find out what it takes to raise a child who doesn’t give up easily and knows how to get things done – whether it’s a puzzle or a challenging bit of homework. Nurture the skills that will serve your child a lifetime.
“You’re a bad mum. I hate you!”
“I don’t love you anymore!”
“Just leave me alone!”
Is your kid shouting at you and even hitting you almost on a daily basis? Discover what lies behind your little one’s outbursts of rage and how to prevent them from happening. Stop using old-school techniques that don’t work. Teach your child to get on top of their emotions without driving you up the wall. Uncover a treasure trove of techniques to help you be patient whatever the situation throws at you.
journey to
being a better parent
the journey from “where I am now” to
“the best parent I can be for my child”
Your 10-month journey
to being a better parent
or how to go from ‘accidental parenting’ to being

‘the BEST parent you can be for your child’

Chapter 1

You start Chapter 1 – The Essentials of Parent-Child Cooperation

You’ll learn how to:

  • Quickly, calmly handle your kid’s most common refusals (refusing to eat, go to sleep, clean, turn off the TV, do homework).

  • The Why behind their No’s !, the root cause and how to address it.

  • How to speak in a tone and use language that gets them on board.

  • Create peace in your home.
Chapter 1
Parenting Playbook electronic format
You will have access in electronic format to one of the most important parenting books you’ll ever own. We call it the Parenting Playbook. The Parenting Playbook helps you put all the new things you’re learning in the videos into practice.
Parenting Playbook electronic format
Chapter 2

You start Chapter 2 – The Fundamentals of a Balanced Parent

You’ll learn: 

  • Your parenting style

    Permissive, who gives in and yells then feels guilty;

    Authoritarian, who punishes and is frustrated.

  • How to break away from unhealthy patterns that keep you stuck.

  • Step by step plan to becoming a Balanced Parent: firm and warm; strategic and loving.

  • Developmental expectations for every stage.
Chapter 2
Every Parenting Question You’ll Ever Have? Answered - All About Parenting
Every Parenting Question You’ll Ever Have, Answered
If you’re stuck for inspiration or have a burning issue that you can’t resolve, it’s easy. Just write your question under the relevant episode and Patrick Ney and the All About Parenting team will answer it. Learn from answers to other parents’ questions. You’re never alone on your journey to being a Balanced Parent.
Every Parenting Question You’ll Ever Have, Answered
Chapter 3

Time to start Chapter 3 – Self-esteem and Optimal Motivation

You’ll learn: 

  • How to work through moments when your child is shy or afraid.

  • What to do when they say things likeI can’t ” or “You do it for me.”

  • What NOT to say, when they have negative self-talk or compare themselves to others.

  • How to raise a child who is self-driven and doesn’t give up.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

On to Chapter 4 – A Competent Child is a Responsible Child.

You’ll learn how to: 

  • How to raise a responsible child who doesn’t leave socks lying around, a mess in the kitchen and homework for last minute.

  • Help your child understand and take their responsibilities seriously.

  • Responsibility charts, routine charts.

  • Get kids to take ownership of their toys, clothes, rooms, and homework.
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

You start Chapter 5 – Top Methods to Get Kids to Cooperate

You’ll learn what to do when:

  • Your child throws a tantrum in the store, ignores your requests to turn of TV, says No! When you ask them to clean up…

    You’ll discover:

  • How to establish rules they actually follow.
  • How to help your kids develop healthy habits around screens, bodily hygiene, sleep.

  • 20+ tested and tried techniques; no more nagging or yelling!
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

You start Chapter 6 – Problem solving and making decisions

You’ll discover:

  • What to do when your kid comes to you with a problem without guilting or shaming.

  • How to respond when your child says “I failed a math test” or “these kids said something mean to me.
  • Give your kids support to practice solving their problems.

  • How to help them grow the confidence to face their challenges without fear.

    Your kids will:

  • Believe that they’re strong and resourceful.

  • Become confident in asking for help and speaking with teachers and peers.
Chapter 6
Managing Sibling Conflict

Bonus Chapter

You’ll learn how to:

  • Create boundaries and rules about belongings, respectful speech, personal space.

  • Break the pattern of getting in the middle.
  • What they need to do if they have a fight or disagreement.

  • How to express their anger without hitting or saying hurtful things.
Managing Sibling Conflict
Chapter 7

Now on to Chapter 7 – Managing Emotions

You’ll learn how to:

  • Work through your own emotions and stay patient with you’re angry or stressed.

  • Identify what’s really bothering you, “Name it to Tame it.

  • Help your kid release emotions in a healthy way instead of yelling or saying hurtful things (for the whole family).

  • Put an end to your kids tantrums, hitting, crying.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

You’re now at Chapter 8 – How to Deal With Challenging Behaviour

What you’ll learn:

  • What to do and how NOT to react when your kid pushes your buttons.

  • How to raise a child who is respectful and helpful.

  • Help your child communicate what they need from you instead of retaliating.

  • How to end power struggles about bedtime, screen time, homework and tidying up once and for all.
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Moving into Chapter 9 — Discipline and Consequences.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to use discipline to get rid of serious behavioural issues like lying, aggression, unwillingness to follow rules.

  • Put an end to backtalk and disrespectful language.

  • How to use consequence and avoid punishment, which harms children.

  • How to create fair and respectful consequences so kids learn from their mistakes.
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Next is Chapter 10 — Getting your Family Members on Board

What you’ll learn:

  • How to be on the same page with then other people raising your children.
  • How to have difficult conversations with spouses, former partners and grandparents.

  • Fun activities for all family member to cultivate closeness.

  • Create more time to enjoy the journey.
Chapter 10
Disclaimer: All the above descriptions may vary depending on (1) when you join the programme (2) the initial offer received.
Meet online in our LIVE WORKSHOPS

and have your questions answered

If you feel lost, stuck or alone, just join parents like you in our regular Live Workshops hosted on Zoom.

You will receive answers to your questions from a member of our All About Parenting Trainer team.

Sessions are held on different days and times and are always live (we don’t send recordings to protect parents’ privacy).

You’ll receive invites to Live Workshops via email and they’ll also be visible in the Events Section of the Parents App.

An Episode from the All About Parenting Programme

What parents say about the program

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About Patrick Ney,
All About Parenting Lead Trainer

Patrick Ney is the father of 2 wonderful girls and is probably the most active parenting expert in the UK.

Patrick is the Lead Trainer at All About Parenting, the only parenting methodology based on the latest research in the science of motivation, such as Self-Determination Theory. He has several international accreditations as a Facilitator, Coach and Trainer.

In the past 5 years, Patrick and the All About Parenting team have organised over 2,000 seminars, conferences and intensive workshops for more than 600,000 parents from around the world.

Select information from hundreds of books, all neatly packaged for you

Sometimes, you just need an extra set of hands and twice as many hours a day so you can check off everything on your to-do list. Before you get a chance to finish that parenting book sitting on the bedside table or understand what’s happening with your child at each stage of their development, you blink and realise that your little one is all grown up.

This is your chance to receive not only information but a complete methodology based on the latest research in motivational psychology. You can adapt it to almost any parenting problem. These are easy-to-apply techniques you can refer back to again and again.

Speak the same language
as your co-parent

You’ve no doubt discovered that you and your partner have slightly different views on raising children. In this programme, you’ll learn how to handle situations where the other parent has a different parenting style. Take the necessary steps to avoid conflict and restore balance to your relationship.

Think about it his way: If you two can’t agree, what sort of example are you setting for your child?

Punishment is NOT the solution, unless you want to raise a child who’s out of sync with the modern world. But the other extreme – giving in to your children, letting them do whatever they want, whenever they want – isn’t serving them any better. So what can you do?

Over 90% of parents lose their temper, falling back on methods that do not deal with their child’s negative behaviours correctly. In the long run, these parenting mistakes can destroy a child’s self-esteem, leading them to become insecure adults who are unfulfilled in their relationships.

All About Parenting shows you what to do instead of punishing. Turn mistakes into learning opportunities. Discover techniques that will make the “job” of being a parent feel like a breeze.

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Follow the yellow-brick road to
your child’s cooperation

You tell them to turn off the TV and they start screaming or crying. On a good day they may only try and get more screen time out of you. Demands to pick up the toys are greeted with: “I don’t want to! You do it!”. It’s lunch time and your child is pestering you for a plate of fries instead of your healthy soup. They won’t accept your refusals and every day feels like a minefield littered with “No!”s, whining, endless negotiations and intermittent tears (sometimes even Oscar-worthy performances!).

Instead of putting your head in your hands and crying too, learn proven techniques that work and can help you turn your child’s “No!” into a “Yes”.

The only ‘License’ that will make your children proud

when they’ll be adults.


Lifetime access to the All About Parenting Programme + Coaching


Lifetime access to the All About Parenting Programme


100% money-back guarantee for 14 days

You have 14 days to test the programme. If you watch the video episodes, put the techniques into practice and don’t get the results you want or feel that, for whatever reason, these methods don’t suit you, we’ll refund your money (all of it).

Frequently Asked Questions
No, but they will be available via the Parents app on your smartphone. The app will take you straight to the video episode where you left off the last time.
No. All episodes remain in your account in Parents App. You can even re-watch everything a second and third time (many parents do that).
No, the All About Parenting programme is personal. The access details cannot be shared with others.
You have 14 days to test the programme. If you watch the video episodes, put the techniques into practice and don’t get the results you want or feel that, for whatever reason, these methods don’t suit you, we’ll refund your money (all of it).
If you have not been able to go through a chapter that month or you have fallen behind, you can catch up at your own pace.
You can ask any question under each of the programme’s video episodes. These questions need to be related to that particular episode. Any questions that are not related to that episode’s subject will be removed to keep the answers relevant for all programme members. Another advantage is that you can see the questions that all our programme members have posted so you can learn as much from them and the answers they received as from the video episodes.
Check your email because as soon as you register, you will receive an email with the details of how to start the programme. You may have to wait 5-10 minutes – sometimes the emails arrive a little late. However, if you have still not received an email after 10 minutes (and there’s nothing in the Spam folder), please get in touch with us.
All About Parenting
Nia Cremene
Author and Co-Founder
Patrick Ney
Lead Trainer
Antonia Cherette
Trainer (United States of America)
Stephanie Peltier
Trainer (United States of America)
Alexandra Nolan
Trainer (United States of America)
Ralu Ryan
Lead Trainer (Germany)
Sabina Defta
Lead Trainer (Russian)
Maria Tolescu
Trainer (Romania)
Irina Irgoveanu
Trainer (Romania)
Ana-Maria Iancu
Trainer (Romania)
Alina Salomie
Trainer (Romania)
Justyna Klimek
Trainer (Poland)
Katarzyna Krawczyk-Urbanek
Trainer (Poland)
Aleksandra Wowra
Trainer (Poland)
Edi Ladeira
Trainer (Portugal)
Marta Rodrigues
Trainer (Portugal)
Layal Abou Saad
Trainer (United Arab Emirates)
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